A Fan Coil Unit (FCU) is a device that uses a coil and a fan to heat or cool a room with or without ductwork. Indoor air moves over the coil, which heats or cools the air before pushing it back out into the room. is a device consisting of a heat exchanger (coil) and a fan. As part of an HVAC system found in high rises buildings, Condominium, commercial, and industrial buildings using ducted split air conditioning or with central plant cooling, a fan coil unit is often connected to ductwork and a thermostat to regulate the temperature of one or more spaces as well as assisting the main air handling unit for each space if used with chillers. The thermostat controls the fan speed and/or the throughput of water to the heat exchanger using a control valve.
Condo Fan Coil Unit
Owing to their simplicity and flexibility, fan coil units can be more economical to install than ducted 100% fresh air systems (VAV) or central heating systems with air handling units or chilled beams. Sunshine Ventilation expert team provides exceptional condo fan coil units services to condo owners and building managers in Toronto and GTA area. We specialize in Condo Heat pump repair, fan coil units retrofit, complete fan coil installation, condo fan coil repair and maintenance.
Don’t hesitate to Contact us for a free consultation or for getting a quote.
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