Water heater tank and Boiler provide either hot water or steam for heating. Steam is distributed via pipes to steam radiators, and hot water can be distributed via baseboard radiators or radiant floor systems or can heat air via a coil. Boilers can either use electric heating elements or burn fuel to heat up or boil water. For water heater tank replacement please call Sunshine Ventilation.
Difference between Combi boiler and Normal Boiler
Combi boilers are compact, easy to install, provides hot water on demand. Combi boiler has storage tanks or cylinders, which makes them ideal for small homes. Conventional boilers, on the other hand, are ideal for large households. They work with a water tank and a cylinder.
Boiler Tank replacement
The efficiency difference between a conventional and condensing boiler is to the tune of 75% efficiency vs. 90% efficiency. However, older conventional boilers can sometimes run at barely more than 50% efficiency, so a move from an older boiler to a condensing water heater can potentially save you 50% of your energy bill.
How much does a combi boiler cost
A a combi boiler installation will cost an average of $3,500 to $6,000, and a conventional boiler could cost $6,000 or more. Other than installation, the major factors that will impact the cost of a new boiler are the type of boiler, the capacity, and the energy efficiency
– When it comes to Water Heater Tanks, choosing the right size and the most efficient brand could be a critical decision depending on the condition of your home. We can help you to make the most appropriate decision that brings you comfort and guarantee your satisfaction.
We offer Water Heater Tank full installation, high efficiency conversions and preventative maintenance and repair.
Remember that by upgrading your old boiler tank units to a high efficiency one, you can always save considerable amount of money than constant repair of a damaged one and save the energy consuming.
By switching from water heater tank to Tankless water heater not only considerable amount of cost and energy could be saved but also you will have more space in your home.
No Hot water or Heating
Tank leaking
low pressure in Boiler
Thermostat not responding
Pilot light is not operating
Water tank radiator faults
Sunshine Ventilation professional team consists of fully licensed experts and technicians who provide all kinds of services for water heater tanks installations, boilers trouble shooting, boilers repair and boiler maintenance in Toronto and GTA area.
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